
Healthy Snacks 

We provide simple, varied and nutritious snacks and dairy milk, both morning and afternoon. Parents are welcome to bring in any alternatives that they prefer (e.g. non-dairy milks) and we are happy to serve it.

Infant Feeding Practices

We personalize daily routines for each infant for breastfeeding, formula feeding, and meals according to parent food and schedule preferences. Parents bring all foods / formula / breast milk.

More Than Just Eating: Learning and Growing Together

Mealtime is a golden opportunity for social and self-help skill development. Children learn the importance of community dining and self-sufficiency through activities like setting the table and using utensils properly.

Celebrating Milestones Together

For families that wish to celebrate their child's birthday with us, children are celebrated individually in their classrooms wearing a crown for the day and singing songs at circle time.

Engagement and Connection During Meals

Teachers join the children during meal times, creating a nurturing environment that resembles family dining. This practice encourages engagement and interaction, making meals a time for learning and bonding.  Teachers also socialize learning at meal times - for example quartering a tangerine and counting the sections is a great play-based pre-math snack time activity.